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Time and Talents

Prayer Support

Please pray for life everyday!


Join Our Board

Our board is growing with new members and we still need to add more! This is a minimum two year commitment with monthly board meetings. 


Focus Dinner Committee

This is our largest educational/fundraising event. It takes place annually each fall at the Grand Traverse Resort. A dynamic prolife speaker is brought to Traverse City to speak to approximately 700-1000 attendees.  The goal of the dinner is to raise awareness of current prolife issues to the local public, re-energize our prolife base, and raise funds for our local office and the educational campaigns which reach the entire state.


Life Links Golf Outing

Our annual golf outing helps keeps the doors to our office open and the lights on! This is a short term commitment that only lasts a few months each year (May, June, July). You also get some free golf with the other committee members!


Church Representative

Is there a church representative to serve as a liaison between Right to Life and your church?  Please call our office and/or ask your pastor. There are many activities and information that we would like to share with our churches. We reach out to churches to remember Mother's Day and Father’s Day with sales, let churches know about prayer needs and organized prayer events, inform churches about prolife candidates running for office, help pastors and congregations know and understand currents events happening on the local, state, and national level. Please consider this important ministry.

Teens for Life

We need students (all ages) and adults too! We need more student groups (there are currently 3 in our area; St. Mary’s Lake Leelanau, St. Francis, and TC West High School) to reach the hearts and minds of the next generation!  Please consider starting a group at your church or school. Some student activities include the Oratory Contest, the Baby of the Year Contest, helping groups bring in speakers and organizing activities. Call the office for more information on how we can help you. 


High School Oratory Contest

This is open to all high school students. Adults are needed in various areas: organizing, judging, time keeping, moderating, and assisting with refreshments.


Educational Fair Booth at Northwest Michigan Fair

Each year we are present to fair attendees in the commercial building with educational materials. We need volunteers to take a shift each year during the Northwestern MI Fair in August.


Political Action

With elections every two years, it is of grave importance to work hard to educate voters on the need for prolife representatives serving our state and nation. We conduct interviews on a local basis of those running for office.  Our recommendations are sent to the state for possible endorsements. If you are interested in helping with this process and other political and legislative affairs, we need you!  Please call.


January Roe v. Wade Memorial Events

Contact the office as these events vary from year to year.


Election Activities

Help with making get out the vote phone calls and passing out prolife voter guides at voter precincts.


Mother’s Day Flowers

Volunteer to help with the sale of silk and/or cut flowers at various community locations.


Conference Book Ad Sales

Contact individuals or businesses for a commitment to purchasing an ad in the Right to Life of Michigan annual conference book.



Please email or call 231-946-9469 to designate which opportunity you would like to be involved with.


Click here for printable version of this list

Mission Statement

We strive to achieve the passage and ratification of a Human Life amendment, to educate people on identified Right to Life issues, to motivate them into action, to encourage community support for and participation in programs and legislation that foster respect for human life and to promote prolife candidates. We support only peaceful, legal activities as a means to restoring legal protection to the preborn and other defenseless human beings.

We work on behalf of defenseless or vulnerable human beings, born and unborn, within our identified life issues of abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.

© 2024 by Grand Traverse Area Right to Life

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